Sunday, March 5, 2017

The End of a Too Long Hiatus

I feel as though I joined the unruly Israelites on their long trek and became lost in the desert. In fact, I am in the desert, literally. And without a group with whom to share the Scriptures, it feels a little lost. Thankfully it didn't take me 40 years this go round.

I wandered away from this blog and had difficulty finding my way back. Not that I wandered from the Torah, it is the foundation; or from Elohim, He is the author. I realized anew that studying should be for more than my own benefit. If I don't share with others, what is the point of learning?

As Rabbi Hillel the elder said, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?"

So I have come back here to Hungry for Torah to share as I learn.

To those who have ears to hear

I don't know if anyone will hear what I share, but I will speak. (actually keyboard, tomato, tomato)

If you read something here that you find helpful, please let me know. If you have questions about the topics, or my analysis, please post a comment. If you think I ended up in Greenland when I was shooting for Iceland, please help me see the way more clearly. I will keep an eye out for your comments and will answer questions and respond to comments.

If you are reading this, you are most likely on a path seeking to know Elohim, or know Him better. Me too. Let's walk together and help each other on the path. I am not here to fight with anyone, I like you am walking a path laid out by Yehovah Elohim from the beginning, and mostly lost in religiosity and churchianity.

Do we Share these Goals?

My goals are to share the insights I receive from Elohim as I study His words, to encourage you to listen for His guidance in your life, and to be a lighthouse shining out into the world at a time when the sea is tumultuous and dark, the shoals seem too close and the dawn seems far away.

Let us seek the good way

I welcome you to join me on a journey outlined in the book of Jeremiah, "Thus says Yehovah, 'Stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls.'" (Jeremiah 6:16)

We will uncover from the rubble of over two thousand years of precedent the old paths, the good way, in the authoritative words of the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and the New Testament.

Here at Hungry for Torah, you and I are going to drop a bucket into the sweet refreshing living waters of Elohim's word and quench our thirst. We will choke on the dry and dusty detritus of Christian and Rabbinic traditions no longer. We will ask Elohim to reveal Himself through His words, we will seek His true words, and knock at the door of the garden.

The way to the Tree of Life

Next post I am going to examine the cherubim placed at the entrance to the Garden of Eden. Come back and join me, I think you will be surprised at what I have found.

Thank you for being here.

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